St. Luke Church
Welcome to St. Luke! The congregation of St. Luke Church strives to love and serve our neighbors as an inclusive and vibrant witness to God. Join us, just as you are. We desire to be a welcoming Family of Faith where you can invite your friends and feel at home with your questions, your hopes, your doubts, and your dreams; as well as find a whole lot of love and encouragement along the way.
This Sunday at St Luke
Beginning Sunday, Sept. 15, we will explore the topic of “Wrestling With Doubt...Finding Faith.” Doubt is not the enemy of faith, and we all have it. Questions like: Where is God when bad things happen? Does God hear
our prayers? Is there a heaven? Why do the innocent suffer? and so many more, run through our minds, especially when our world feels like it’s in chaos. Throughout this six-week study, we will be challenged to find trust in Jesus. Jesus is unafraid of hard questions and doubt, and He longs to lead us on a journey to find belief and trust not certainty, and to embrace mystery
instead of simple answers.
In-person worship @10AM every Sunday! Live Stream our service on our YouTube or link through our Facebook page!
St. Luke Church
5235 Fairview Avenue
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Questions? We would love to hear from you. Please contact us!
Phone: 630.969.3121