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Purple Bubbles

Youth Programs

We love kids at St. Luke! Children are celebrated here.  For more information on any of the programs below, please reach out to Ali Mulvoy at .


Sunday School

Children (Preschool through Grade 5) worship with their families during the Sunday morning service for the first part. Included in the service is a Time for Young Disciples, when they are invited to sit on the Chancel steps for a short discussion of the Bible lesson and a prayer before returning to their seats. We also have a special seating area for families with young children, with coloring pages and other activities to help keep them occupied during the service. Club Luke now meets during the second half of worship.


Our Nursery (Infants to 5-year-olds) offers quality child care for younger children whose parents are attending worship. The nursery is available during the 10 a.m. service and is located on the upper level of the church.

Youth Group

Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group

Youth in 6th through 12th grades are encouraged to attend worship together on Sunday mornings. After worship, the students are invited to stay and discuss their worship journals immediately following the service.


Currently, the youth are meeting in person on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month following worship. 

Activities include discussions, service projects, and fellowship.


Club Luke

For ages PreK - Grade 5

Preschool and elementary children (ages three through 5th grade) love Club Luke. 

One part singing, one part Bible lesson, and one part fellowship, Club Luke provides a variety of new and fun activities.

Currently, we are meeting in person on  Sunday mornings during worship.

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